Solaris 10 Installation with VMWare Server


Create the virtual machine

Step 0

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8: Don’t know if Buslogic would work with Solaris10

Step 9

Step 10: I have selected SCSI because I plan to attach a lot of physical hard disks

Step 11: 2GB is enough for “Core with limited networking support”

Step 12

Solaris Installation

Here you will find some screenshots about important installation steps. You should know by yourself how to partition the disk or setup a basic solaris installation. Basically I’ve selected most of the defaults.

Select the normal installation (no serial console)

Also here we select the “Console-Way” (not the GUI-Java-Webstart thing)

Here we are selecting the “Reduced Networking Core System Support”. With that option you don’t have ping or telnet installed.

After installation

Add a user

Als erstes muss das Homeverzeichniss von root angepasst werden. Es soll nicht im / sondern unter /root liegen:

mkdir /root
chown root:root root
chmod 700 root
passmgmt -m -h /root root
passwd root

Nun wird der User sysop erfasst:

groupadd -g 200 sysop
useradd -u 200 -g 200 -d /export/sysop -s /bin/sh -c Sys-Operator sysop
mkdir -p /export/sysop
chown sysop:sysop /export/sysop
chmod 700 /export/sysop
passwd sysop

Mount cdrom

Find the cdrom in /dev/dsk

mkdir /mnt/cdrom
mount –F hsfs /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 /mnt/cdrom

If you deployed your vmware with SCSI-Disks your CD-ROM probably would be:

mount –F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 /mnt/cdrom

Installing Software

Install ssh

pkgadd -d ./ SUNWgssc SUNWgss
pkgadd -d /root/Product SUNWzlib
pkgadd -d /root/Product SUNWsshcu SUNWsshdr SUNWsshdu SUNWsshr SUNWsshu
svcadm enable ssh
svcadm restart ssh

For some reason the ssh-host-keys weren’t created.

/lib/svc/method/sshd -c
/usr/sbin/svcadm clear network/ssh

Installing bash

pkgadd -d ./ SUNWbash

bash als default shell fur root und sysop einrichten:

passmgmt -m -s /bin/bash root
passmgmt -m -s /bin/bash sysop

Damit im bash die Umlaute richtig angezeigt werden muss die Datei ~/.inputrc mit folgendem inhalt angelegt werden:

Fur root:

echo set meta-flag on > /root/.inputrc
echo set convert-meta off >> /root/.inputrc
echo set output-meta on >> /root/.inputrc

Fur sysop:

echo set meta-flag on > /export/sysop/.inputrc
echo set convert-meta off >> /export/sysop/.inputrc
echo set output-meta on >> /export/sysop/.inputrc

Um den “schönen” Prompt zu erhalten und PATH anzupassen:

Fuer root:

vi /root/.profile
--- /root/.profile ---
PS1="[\u@\h \W]# "
export PATH
--- /root/.profile ---

Fuer sysop:

vi /export/sysop/.profile
--- /export/sysop/.profile ---
PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ "
--- /export/sysop/.profile ---

Installing the Blastwave repository

Install Wget

pkgadd -d ./ SUNWgcmn
pkgadd -d ./ SUNWwgetr SUNWwgetu

Add /usr/sfw/bin to your $PATH

Install pkg-get

cd ~
pkgadd -d pkg_get.pkg all

Add /opt/csw/bin to your $PATH

vi /opt/csw/etc/pkg-get.conf

And update the mirror to:


Install the certificate and the necessary tools to check package signature

cd ~
pkg-get -i gnupg
wget --output-document=pgp.key
gpg --import pgp.key
rm pgp.key

Install some Software with:

pkg-get install lsof
[root@moloch ~]# pkginfo | grep CSW
system      CSWcommon                    common - common files and dirs for CSW packages
system      CSWisaexec                   isaexec - sneaky wrapper around Sun isaexec
application CSWlsof                      lsof - list open files
system      CSWpkgget                    pkg_get - CSW version of automated package download tool
[root@moloch ~]#

Installing man

cd cd /mnt/cdrom/Solaris_10/Product/
pkgadd -d ./ SUNWlibC SUNWdoc SUNWman

Modify MANPATH in .profile if you have blastwave-packages installed

vi ~/.profile
--- .profile ---
export MANPATH
--- .profile ---

Update your environment

source ~/.profile


Disabling Services

cd /etc/inet

(Edit inetd.conf and comment out the services which are not needed, such as rpc.cmsd, rpc.ttdbserverd, etc. Afterwards the inetd daemon needs to be restarted)

vi inetd.conf
inetconv -i /etc/inet/inetd.conf

The third type of services to disable can be seen using the SMF (Service Management Facility) program svcs.

/usr/bin/svcs -a

To see which services are actually running (online)

/usr/bin/svcs -a | /usr/bin/grep online | grep network

Among these services, the ones which can be immediately disabled using the svcadm utility are:

svcadm disable svc:/network/rpc/bind:default
svcadm disable svc:/network/inetd:default
svcadm disable svc:/network/rpc-100235_1/rpc_ticotsord:default
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