Solaris 10 zfs


What type of RAID’s can be created with ZFS?



n-way mirror

raidz or raidz1


Size and Speed of the different RAID-types


These information I’ve got from: WHEN TO (AND NOT TO) USE RAID-Z


St = Total size of the pool
n = Number of disks in the pool
Sdisk = Size of one Disk
vf = Speed Factor (1 = Same speed as a single Disk)
vdisk = Speed of the disk is Blocks/Seconds
x = Number of Stripes



You stripe all disks together:

St = n * Sdisk

vf = n


Example: Assume we have 100 Disks 50GB each which can write 200 Blocks/seconds:

Total RAID size...: 5000 GB = 100 Disk * 50 GB/Disk
Speed factor......: 100 = 100



You mirror two disks or two stripe-sets:

St = (n / 2 ) * Sdisk

vf = n / 2


Example: Assume we have 100 Disks, 50GB each which can write 200 Blocks/seconds. We make the mirror over a stripesets of 50 Disk each:

Total RAID size...: 2500 GB = ( 100 Disk / 2 ) * 50 GB/Disk
Speed factor......: 50 = 100 Disks / 2


You stripe some raidz’s:

St = (( n / x ) – 1 ) * Sdisk * x

vf = x


Example: Assume we have 100 Disks 50GB each which can write 200 Blocks/seconds and we stripe 5 raidz’s together:

Total RAID size...: 4750 GB = (( 100 Disk / 5 Stripes ) - 1 ) * 50 GB/Disk * 5 Stripes
Speed factor......: 5 = 5

Creating a tank


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