Archlinux Redmine


Install yaourt

Goto and download yaourt

tar xvfz yaourt-
cd yaourt-
make install


Install Apache

Install and start apache

# pacman -S apache
# /etc/rc.d/httpd start

Load apache at startup -> add httpd to /etc/rc.config

DAEMONS=(... httpd ...)


Install Mysql

Install and start mysql

# pacman -S mysql
# /etc/rc.d/mysqld start

Load mysql at startup -> add mysqld to /etc/rc.config

DAEMONS=(... mysqld ...)

Configure mysql

  • select the root password
  • remove anonymouse user
  • disallow root login remotely
  • remove test database
  • reload privilege tables
# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation

Install Ruby

As redmine doesn’t support ruby 1.9, we need to use older 1.8 from AUR instead. Remove “ruby” package, so that it doesn’t mess up, and retrieve and build the packages with any way you’re comfortable with,

 pacman -R ruby
 yaourt -S ruby1.8
 yaourt -S rubygems1.8
 # ruby1.8 installs ruby-1.8 executable. link it to "ruby":
 cd /usr/bin
 ln ruby-1.8 ruby -s
 # install rake. skip the dependency checks, as otherwise it would just fall back to
   ruby 1.9 instead pacman -Sd rake
 # and retrieve the rake libraries
 gem-1.8 install rake


Install Redmine

>>> You can run Redmine in a couple of different ways:
>>> * Apache (via passenger)
>>> * WEBrick (standalone included webserver) - script/ruby -e production
>>> When running via WEBrick, you can start the daemon via:
>>>   /etc/rc.d/redmine start
>>> Alternatively add "redmine" to the DAEMONS array in /etc/rc.conf.
>>> To run it i Apache, add the following into the section
>>> "Supplemental configuration" of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
# Redmine PMS
Include conf/extra/httpd-redmine.conf
>>> After the installation you should create the database (in MySQL)
>>> with the following commands:
>>> mysql -u root -p
>>> mysql> create database redmine character set utf8;
>>> mysql> create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'redmine'
>>> mysql> grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost'
>>> rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
>>> Furthermore you could add some default data with:
>>> rake redmine:load_default_data
>>> Default login and password are admin/admin. Remember to change these.
>>> Further installation help can be found at:
Optional dependencies for redmine-mysql-svn
    apache: a full featured webserver
    ruby-rmagick: to enable Gantt export to png image
    git: a distributed version control system
    passenger: Apache Module for Rails
If you like this package, please install aurvote
and vote for its inclusion/keeping in [community]

[sysop@mine extra]$
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